~Auction~ Enchanted Set!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by _Paku, Jul 3, 2013.

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  1. In the future, only post when you are making bids or asking legitimate questions about the auction please.

    Also, if you win you are REQUIRED to pay Jcplugs the full price.
  2. I'm sorry. I had more than I needed, but now I'm prioritizing new stuff.
  3. I suggest you re-read the auction guidelines. You bid 37k and haven't been outbid after that, so if you do win when the time is up, paying is not optional; you are required to. I suggest you don't spend any rupees.
  4. But but. Please. Can the guy at 36k win, and I pay the 1k difference?
  5. If you want to negotiate a deal with Jakres after you've won and paid that's fine, however, if no one outbids you you need to pay Jcplugs the full amount.
  6. Now I read the rules!!!! Arrrg. Both the people who helped sponser me also want to back Out.
  7. Umm I don't even... Never mind: the person that runs he auction may bump it every 3 hours to get it in the "active threads" on the homepage to get more views and bids
    Jcplugs likes this.
  8. 27.5k
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. 37.5k
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. Locking thread pending investigation. It will be re-opened when/if everything is clear.

    EDIT: Re-opened. EVERYONE is reminded that bribing fellow players to bid on an auction is not allowed.
  11. You won \o3o/
    Pay me and an access chest will be set up
  12. Please pay within 24 hours :D
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