[Auction] Enchanted Picks and Swords. Includes a sword with 4 enchantments!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MoeMacZap, Jun 30, 2012.

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  1. Im out...I hope you win!!!
    asasin318 likes this.
  2. You won the auction asasin318!
    awesomeDevin57 likes this.
  3. Sorry Faithcaster, asasin318 won the auction with a bid of 30k. Thanks for bidding tho!
    awesomeDevin57 likes this.
  4. Yeh just seen that :)
  5. moe i cant connect to any servers :( i could like 20 mins ago i logged out went on google logged back in BUT I CANT :( save them picks for me when i can connect :)
  6. Dont worry about it not alot of people can connect I cant my self it has something to do with mc
  7. ya i asked icc he said minecraft.net is having problems i personally hope/think they are updating mc :) and i think this caus it is monday and it has been a while since 1.2.5 came out so im thinking its an update but it may just be minecraft.net is having problems.
  8. Im hoping its 1.3 and I saw his post
  9. Are we bidding down now? /sarcasm
    CambriaKilgannon and MoeMacZap like this.
  10. Oh I understand asasin318. I'll place your items in a chest at SMP9 18320. Hope you can connect soon. :)
  11. auction is closed..
  12. LOL!!!!!
  13. Rules

    Do not post in an auction thread unless it meets one of the following criteria:

    • You are asking a question about the posted item.
    • You are making a bid on an item.
    • You won and are discussing transaction details with the host.
    gnyctk likes this.
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