[Auction] Enchanted Armor and Swords

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by FatAndyTheGreat, Jan 23, 2013.

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  1. I lika da shiney stuffeeez morrez zo I bidz 24k
  2. Crossbones is in the lead with 25k
  3. Wow u guys r rich. I just spent 23k. JC knows about that.
  4. I do..?
  5. Me wants to be in the lead with 25.3k.
  6. Michael_Nolan in the lead with 28k
  7. Remember JC? The enchanted stuff i bought from u?
  8. O qədər gətirmək edək 28.2k
  9. It is illegal to outbid me! I will pay 28.8k
  10. 30k
    :p CATS
  11. Michael_Nolan in the lead with 30k
  12. Bump, 30k is very cheap for all this armor.
  13. Michael_Nolan will win this auction in less than an hour for 30k! That is some really cheap armor. . .Doesn't anyone else want a chance to get this?
  14. so did i win?
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