[Auction] Dragon Egg - FC Inc.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Faithcaster, May 21, 2013.


How much is it gonna go for?

1-10k 14 vote(s) 14.4%
10-30k 3 vote(s) 3.1%
30-60k 2 vote(s) 2.1%
60-90k 0 vote(s) 0.0%
90-150k 4 vote(s) 4.1%
150-250k 11 vote(s) 11.3%
250k-350k 41 vote(s) 42.3%
350k-450k 7 vote(s) 7.2%
450k-550k 1 vote(s) 1.0%
550k+ 14 vote(s) 14.4%
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  1. Anyone wanna do 330 000?
  2. Lets do a bump (◕‿,◕)
  3. I wish I could..
  4. Wow. I honestly have almost no knowledge on the value of things, but I picked randomly and it was the most popular thing. :eek:
  5. A potato.
  6. One last bump.
    JcPlugs takes it with 320k in 15 hours!
  7. Come on someone, its a dragon egg!
  8. It's now over, it's Friday/05/2013 15:50
    The bid was placed Wednesday/05/2013 15:04
    Grats to JcPlugs to finally own a Dragon Egg, please pay me and see me sometime on SMP1, :)
  9. oh, didnt see the "am"
    Faithcaster likes this.
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