[AUCTION] DoubleChest of Emeralds.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by BushySpecialK, Oct 7, 2012.

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  1. 54 stacks of 64 emeralds : 3456 Total.

    Starting bid: 10,000r
    Increase: 1,000r
    Ends 48 hours after last bidder.
  2. 25k
    shoo sas.
  3. 26k
    hah im still in it
  4. Oh noes, go back to grinding blaze andy!
    No keeping track of forums.
  5. How do people get so much Emeralds!
  6. If u hadnt bidded coffee I would have
    nfell2009 likes this.
  7. villager trading.
    zaccyboy23 and hayjam like this.
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