Auction: Double Chest of Wool (all colours)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Julien99999, Nov 8, 2012.

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  1. Items: One double chest of wool
    White: 3 stacks Purple: 3 stacks
    Black: 3 stacks Orange: 3 stacks
    Green: 3 stacks Yellow: 4 stacks
    Brown: 3 stacks Lime: 4 stacks
    Gray: 3 stacks Cyan: 3 stacks
    Light Gray: 3 stacks Pink: 4 stacks
    Red: 4 stacks Magenta: 3 staccks
    Blue: 4 stacks Light Blue: 4 stacks
    Starting Price: 1500 Rupees

    Minimum Bid: Increase: 100 Rupees

    Auction End Time: The auction will end 24 Hours after the final valid bid has been placed

    Auction Pickup: The winner can pick up at 9087 on SMP4 after payment has been made
  2. Is mixed colors an accepted auction item?
  3. Indeed yes, it was approved recently by Dreacon78
  4. Sonicol1 has won this auction. Let me know when payment has been made and I will set up an access chest at my res 9087 on SMP4.
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