[AUCTION] Double Chest of TNT ! and DC of Iron Ingots (starts at 1r)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cadgamer101, Oct 26, 2013.

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  1. deal.
  2. Olaf_C is in the lead with 30k (and I see you worked out a split if you win).
    Thank you.
    Still a real good deal, and open for more bids but this will be my last bump.
  3. Thank you all for your bids.
    Olaf_C wins this great deal, enjoy.
    Your access signs are up at 8122 on smp4, against far Left (South) Mossy Stone Brick wall.
    Please pay and pickup, and then you can manage the split you negotiated.
    Thank you very much.
  4. Okay. I will pay you asap.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  5. I payed 15k and nether should or has payed you the other 15
  6. 35k I want it just to have it :p
  7. Wait...I shoulda read the rest huh...
    sideshowallie likes this.
  8. Wait, Olaf, do I pay cad 15k, or did you pay him 30, and now I should pay you 15?
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