[AUCTION] Double Chest Of Signs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by michael102, Oct 3, 2012.


How much do you like signs

Alot 17 vote(s) 73.9%
I hate them 6 vote(s) 26.1%
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  1. Guys this has come way to far this is not worth 1k!
  2. Look at the double chest of book and quills. Went for over 20k.
  3. Zaccyboy please only post if want to bid...
    Pab10S and hayjam like this.
  4. oops didnt see the other bid, 1111!
  5. Princebee is in the lead with 1,111 r
  6. it looks like princebee is going to win.
  7. Nfell is in the lead with 1.2k
  8. Look at my auction for a DB of xp bottles. It went to 40k
  9. 1.350 Rupees
  10. One Thousand
    Three Hundred
  11. onethousandfourhundredandtenrupees!
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