[Auction] Double chest of instant health 2 potions[CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by facu12301, Feb 6, 2013.

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  1. He tried to back out on another auction because he bid too high competing with me lol
    facu12301 likes this.
  2. Sure. Who can dare to outbid the mogul RainbowChin?
    RainbowChin likes this.
  3. Plenty people lol, I have been beaten before
    But mostly I bid just to beat everyone lol
  4. I think that somebody dared
  5. Is this about the estimated price for a db chest or is it overboard?
  6. overboard
    very much
  7. No is not! Bid!
  8. oh yes i did 3000r :D
  9. oh ok i didn't see the other posts

    3100r :D

  10. oh no i did not in fact i rebidded 7500r just a monment ago!!!
  11. Chin will beat everyone no matter how pointless the auction is. IT MAKES ME MAD D:<
    RainbowChin likes this.
  12. no he wont i dont think he want to go over 6000r

    SO I WILL WIN!!! :D
  13. oh wait where u talking about this auction?:eek:
  14. Eh, probably in general, he paid 6k for a DC of stone against me....
  15. oh ok just checking :):cool::)
  16. Whoever wanted health potions 1, this is a healing potion, not a regeneration potion. So you can't get the ingredients needed to make these from ghasts.
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