[Auction] Double chest of Gunpowder

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by thestar19, Jul 30, 2012.

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  1. I take your bid as 50 000r.

    And shaun,Your correct.
    Most stores do only have like 10-20 pieces of gunpowder,if even at all so it would be hard to mass up this large amunt.
    But what if you check with the store that always is in stock,The empire store?

    Well, A piece of gunpowder costs 100r in EMC store so 100*64*56= 358 400
    Did you get some perspectiv? :)
    Golden_Guppy and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. Highest bid as of right now is 70 000r :)[
  3. I'm on vacation, but whatever.

  4. current highest bid is 80 000 r by roblikescake
  5. Good.

  6. Guys no more posts that arent bids!
    Highest bid is 101 000 by roblikescake
  7. Roblikescake have won the auction!

    You may pick up your Gunpowder in Utopia.
    Type /v thestar19 2 to get there.
    The chest will be ready for pickup on wendsday the 8 as previesly stated.

    Congratulations Rob.
  8. Thanks mate. I will pay and get my items as soon as my internet is back on :3
  9. Paid, awaiting for items.
  10. I posted this earlier :)
    roblikescake likes this.
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