[AUCTION]Double chest of glowstone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by tazzthemazz, Oct 30, 2012.

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  1. 25k ... this is why e-bay auction style is better :)
  2. 27k ... is there a way?
  3. m4nic_m1ner in the lead with 21k
    oh yea bump:)
  4. soz about that it lagged out so fatandythe great in the lead with 29k
  5. m4nic_m1ner in the led
    uve reached my goal
    topdawg657 likes this.
  6. fatandy in the lead with 31k
  7. m4nic_m1ner in the lead with 32k :)
  8. Sorry I meant 33k.
    topdawg657 likes this.
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