[AUCTION ]diamond tools +1 bow also enchanted! Wont last!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Min_Miner, Sep 5, 2012.

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  1. Auctioning 2 diamond swords enchanted and 1 diamond pickaxe and a bow enchanted
    1st: Smite IV Knockback II Fire aspect II
    2nd: Smite IV knockback II
    3rd: BOA II Knockback I and fire aspect I (left overs XD)

    1st: Effciency IV

    1st: Infinity I Power III
    PLUS 1 Arrow

    All of these enchanted items are lvl 30.
    Bid starts at: 1k
    Bid ends after 24 hours of the last bidder.
    Bid increasement: 100r

    2012-09-05_18.09.34.png 2012-09-05_18.09.36.png 2012-09-05_18.09.38.png 2012-09-05_18.09.39.png

    Attached Files:

  2. Im sorry the attachment is something else...
  3. you wish you had that much money nuklearbom
  4. Only ONE auction at a time please!
  5. super u biddin? or... just hanging around XD
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