[auction] diamond supporter voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by batmegh, May 25, 2016.

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  1. starting bid
    1,000 rupees
    minimum bid increment
    500 rupees
    auction ends 24 hours after last valid bid
    item will be mailed to the winner
  2. 200k
    battmeghs likes this.
  3. 300k
    battmeghs likes this.
  4. 310k
    battmeghs likes this.
  5. you won the auction! please send payment, and then i shall mail you were voucher! :D
    Coorisnar likes this.
  6. mail you your* voucher. holy moly. XD
    Coorisnar likes this.
  7. I call it fat thumbs...and it happens all the time :p
    Payment sent, voucher received.
    And thanks sooooo much. Been saving for this for months.
    Now...res shopping time!!
    battmeghs likes this.
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