[AUCTION] DC of stone bricks.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Gadget_AD, May 25, 2013.

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  1. Auction: DC of stone brick
    Starting bid: 100r
    Bid increments: 100r
    Auction ending time: 24hrs after last bid
    Happy bidding! :)
  2. Have any pictures?
  3. you know what it looks like its just stone bricks
  4. 600r

    Nilex92 likes this.
  5. -.- 1.1k
    Nilex92 likes this.
  6. 2.1k

    Stop you brickstealer :p
  7. 3k
    I need this for my Mall, soon opening on smp6!!!! :mad:
  8. :p really? 3.2k
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