[Auction] DC of Spruce Logs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by PineappleGem, Nov 22, 2014.


What should I auction next?

Poll closed Nov 27, 2014.
DC birch wood logs 5 vote(s) 31.3%
DC oak wood logs 5 vote(s) 31.3%
DC baked potatoes 6 vote(s) 37.5%
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  1. Bump 5 ... ruari342 in the lead with 9k

    Also, my next auction will be a DC of baked potatoes. ;)
  2. I figured that one would win. :p Somehow xDD
  3. hehehe 10k

  4. Lol that's fantastic @Ryno361. All right, in the lead is Ryno361 with 10k.

    @azoundria - I already started smelting up a bunch of baked potatoes once I put up this auction, so that's what my next auction will be :p
  5. Bump ... I lost count :confused:
    Well, anyway ... Ryno361 in lead with 10k.
    1.5 hours left to bid if you want.

  6. I do believe I have won this auction.
  7. Yes, you have. Sorry, I have not had access to a computer all day. :rolleyes:

    Ryno361 has won the auction with 10k.
    Please send payment ASAP and I will put up your access chest and PM you when I do.

    This auction is now CLOSED.
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