[AUCTION] DC of Skele bones!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by zanderboy, Jan 27, 2013.

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  1. I want these bones! I shall have them!
  2. Really? It seems I am winning!
  3. Nvm
  4. Think again!
  5. Ladies.....8K

  6. 10k
  7. LOL 8.1K
  8. That's not valid...
  9. so!!! Im out XD
  10. Amused, you can't let him win for so little now can you? Don't you want to win the war???
  11. Bump! 3 hours until fluff wins a DCof bones!
  12. Sorry it took so long. fluff, you won the DC. Pay me 10k and the xome to my res on SMP 4 for the pickup. The chest is beside the enchanting table, backed by some gold ore. Just type /v zanderboy to reach my place.
  13. Ok, will do
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