[AUCTION] DC of Sandstone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by nukem950, May 22, 2013.

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  1. 10,000
    nukem950 and KiloRahe like this.
  2. 10.3k
    nukem950 and KiloRahe like this.
  3. Brickstrike is in the lead with 10,300 rupees!!
  4. And the Nurse, out of nowhere takes the lead with 11,000 rupees! She's unstoppable! Will anyone dare invoke the wrath of NurseKillJoy and out bid her?? Someone must stop the madness!!


    (Sorry....I just saw the new star trek movie....I'm in "wrath" mode!)
  5. bump.

    This is how she rolls. Nurse Killjoy is:
    Just. That. Cool.

  6. less than 3 hours left!
  7. nursekilljoy wins. when i receive payment, i will give you access to the chest on smp9 at 19370.
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