[Auction] DC of Sand

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Corey4028, Jan 30, 2014.


how much would you pay for a [DC of sand]

Poll closed Mar 31, 2014.
1800 6 vote(s) 42.9%
2500 1 vote(s) 7.1%
3000 4 vote(s) 28.6%
4000 0 vote(s) 0.0%
5000+ 3 vote(s) 21.4%
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  1. 14 hours till LEHMAQR wins!
  2. So I win?
  3. Lehmaqr wins!! 4567R my house is 19120 on SMP 9 once u pay me the Rupees i will put an access chest in my yard with your name on it!!
  4. i am on every night from appx 10Pm (eastern time) - 7 Am (eastern time)
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