auction-dc of redstone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by dankuso103, Feb 24, 2013.

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  1. Last bump for today
  2. with 18 hours the auction is at 6.4k
  3. Wow will that's big auction is at 8k
  4. Now I'm happy it's wat I wanted
  5. mmmm.... I can taste that Redstone at 12k. 12k it is.
  6. wow i cant even see any1 else bidding out u
  7. wow i cant believe that are my eyes broken?:confused:
  8. No they arent. I feel that since this requires much less of my time, that it is worth the extra cost:)
  9. 16K Nope. They're fine. Maybe we're broken.
  10. I support this statement^^^
  11. Thx all auction will end in 41 hours if u don't get out bid
  12. Last thing for today remember to pay me stormboy231 not dankuso103
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