[AUCTION] DC of Quartz Blocks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Phalanx12, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. 120k yussss
    tuqueque and Phalanx12 like this.
  2. Nuuuuuuu. Pepe doesn't agree with this. 129k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  3. Call of Duty agrees doe, 130k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  4. But I need an underwater city!!!

    Phalanx12 likes this.
  5. Too bad 136k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  6. I don't even know if I'm throwing money away yet but I want it:
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  7. Same, 141k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  8. Bump!
    *eyebrow wiggle*
  9. 143k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  10. 144k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  11. I Say No, She Says Yes.....150k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  12. 151k
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  13. Bedtime Bump.
  14. 152k night night
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  15. 169k :cool:
    Phalanx12 likes this.
  16. Better do a bump.
  17. I know you want to spend your money guys ;)
    Let's keep her goin!
  18. No I don't phalanx.... 180k -_-
    Phalanx12 likes this.