[Auction] DC of Power IV and Flame I Enchanted Books

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by FatAndyTheGreat, Feb 26, 2013.

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  1. 26k >_> M1nic you are my auction enemy.You shall be defeated!
  2. 26.2k
    Don't worry, I'll only bid up to the price where I still expect to make some profit :)
  3. Cant we settle this like, you win this auction and let me win the other :p 26.3
  4. Iceraider14 will win the auction in about 7 1/2 hours. Less than 244r per book what a steal!
  5. Iceraider14 has won, as soon as i am paid i will place [access] Signs on the chests located at 16612 on smp8
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