[AUCTION] DC of Potion of Strength II

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MissFable, Dec 20, 2014.


What do you want me to auction next?

Potion of Night Vision 4 vote(s) 44.4%
Potion of Swiftness 3 vote(s) 33.3%
Potion of Water Breathing 4 vote(s) 44.4%
Potion of Fire Resistance 4 vote(s) 44.4%
Potion of Healing 2 vote(s) 22.2%
Potion of Slowness 2 vote(s) 22.2%
Potion of Harming 2 vote(s) 22.2%
Potion of Poison 2 vote(s) 22.2%
Potion of Weakness 2 vote(s) 22.2%
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Item: DC of Potion of Strength II
    Starting Bid: 250r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 50r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last bid

    The chest:

    Pickup will be at: residence 10694 on smp5 (Go through the auction teleport>look in the chest with your name on it).
  2. 250r
    MissFable likes this.
  3. how do you add the picture like that?
  4. 300r
    MissFable likes this.
  5. 400r
    MissFable likes this.
  6. 1,000
    MissFable likes this.
  7. 1,050
    MissFable likes this.
  8. BaBump
    Don't forget to vote on the poll whichever potion gets the most votes is the potion I auction next:).
  9. Sold to dee6983 for 1,050r. Send your payment and your DC of Potion of Strength II will be awaiting you at 10694 on smp5 (Go through auction teleporter > the chest with your name on it).
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