[AUCTION] DC of Player Heads

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by DorianPavus_, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. 250K LOOOOOOOOOL I want my heads xD
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  2. Aren't you in the same house as the auction host? If so you aren't allowed to bid. If not carry on.
  3. Don't think that's a rule, just no alts ;)

    Cardman142 and _Levy_McGarden_ like this.
    • You must not bid on auctions created by alt accounts, or on auctions created on an IP that you use.
    • 252k
  4. 262k* Assuming you meant 261k
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  5. Sorry for posting on here(I'm not meaning this as a bump just to clear something up)
    Nephthy and I do not live in the same house :p
  6. HERE 300K Give me my headsssss!!!!!!!!!!
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  7. Lol Nope i'm not xD
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  8. Only post on an auction thread if:
    • You are bidding
    • You are asking a question about the specific auction, or item
    • You won the auction, and are discussion collection/payment with the Auction Host
    • You are posting content that the staff deem relevant to the auction at hand
    May want to remember this for the future.
    _Levy_McGarden_ likes this.
  9. Levy When i can pay u?
  10. Nephthy has won the auction with a bid of 300k!
    Access sign will be set up shortly at /v +MCBS t2 on smp8
    Don't Forget to Pay ;P