[Auction] DC of Hardened Clay

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by PenguinDJ, Aug 4, 2013.

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  1. Will you let eclipsys win with 22k? There are 5 hours left to go!
  2. Winner! Would you like to pay now, or I can set up chestshops for you.
  3. Please put up a chest shop, which res is it? I'll come collect today :)
  4. If smp5 is ok with you, res 11361 will do. I'll put up the chestshops now.

    If you need delivery, tell me and I'll deliver them.
  5. Delivery is easiest: SMP1 /v 104, ill log in right now.
  6. Paid and access chest at /v 104 SMP1, right side of the entrance
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