[AUCTION] DC Of Hardened Clay

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by whatkom, Jul 27, 2013.



who 7 vote(s) 43.8%
where 13 vote(s) 81.3%
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  1. 71k Plugity do not outbid me :3
    Jcplugs likes this.
  2. It's a block in DC form. It should be fine :)
  3. Still a 1.6 item ;)
  4. The only reason we were asked to hold back on the 1.6 items is because of things like horse eggs, which would be confusing to auction off because of statistics on the eggs. This is fine, as it falls into a category and it avoids any confusion.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  5. The rules don't say that you cannnot auction horse eggs, they said 1.6 items. You cannot deny that this is a 1.6 item.
  6. There's also a little bit of common sense that comes in place isn't there?
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  7. Lets not get into a fight here! There's already been an auction for a DC of coal blocks, and several moderators have bid on this already without trouble. So its ok to auction
    PenguinDJ, Jcplugs and ninjaboy5656 like this.
  8. Auction is finished!... I'm only 15 hours late in saying so :p Grats superg, pickup at residence 16659 on SMP8 after payment sent
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