[AUCTION] DC of Half Blue Half Light Blue Wool

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Olaf_C, Jun 5, 2013.

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  1. My forum-picture-foo is weak
    Olaf_C likes this.
  2. Well, I am sorry but the auction is canceled I guess. I still can't find anything that contradicts that but okay. I read the rules and i still can't find it. I am new here. Sorry.
  3. It is completely valid but I will cancel it. It is a full DC and it is all wool so I don't see the problem.
  4. thanks. it is still off.
  5. Sorry but I checked multiple times. I am canceling the auction to help you sleep at night but it is valid. Sorry to those who bided. Soon I am listing a DC of every wool color so watch out for that.
  6. This is fine.
    cadgamer101, jacob5089 and ob1bob69 like this.
  7. Auction = 1 DC of Wool which is ITEM 35

    Happens to be 2 variants of said wool ITEM 35..
    oh yeah that and Reply #26 above me.
  8. Get approval from a mod, and this is all right. Things like this have happened before.
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