[Auction] Dc of EndStone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by godzminecraft, Feb 3, 2013.

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  1. Starting Bid: 1k
    Minimum Bid: 100r
    End 24 hours after last Bid
    Pick up Smp9 Res#18930
    :):)Happy Bidding:):)
  2. Oh no you didn't. 2k
  3. :)Creeper in the lead with 6k can anybody outbid him:)
  4. Creeper Has won Slight change pick up is on utopia res#5321
  5. 5231
  6. Woah sorry I will come pay and pick up
  7. I have paid now :p
  8. I will make the access sign on utopia res# 5231
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