[AUCTION] Combat lover's dream (weapons/armor/Vault Voucher)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by D_ceased, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. S'all good :)
    Good luck next time...? ^^;

    I still don't know where this'll go, really. =P

    ...also, I did some calculations, and... wearing that full set of chain armor reduces all damage you take by 70%-90%, so it's actually pretty good. c:
  2. If no one else bids, auction ends in 60 hours from now... plenty of time for people who still want in on this, am I right? :p
  3. Hurry up lol - clock's a tickin' and a tockin'.

    I didn't slay all those Enraged Skellies for nothing... =P
  4. It's never too late! Get those auction bids in now! This will end in less than 36 hours if no one else bids. :p
  5. This auction ends officially on Saturday at 11:39AM if no one else bids...!
  6. About 6 hours remain...! Get your bids in before you miss your chance!
  7. And another bump before I sleep again x.x
  8. Ends at 10:39 TODAY (3:39 EMC time) if no one else bids!
  9. (fixed)

    (sorry for the double post; I know it's not allowed but I just wish it was easier to edit messages...)
  10. Less than one hour left!
  11. bucky291 wins the auction! I will send you a private message regarding this.

    I will not unlock my auction chest until I receive your winning bid.
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