[Auction] Bunch of Promos

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ThaKloned, Aug 16, 2015.

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  1. 25k
    ThaKloned likes this.
  2. I'm afraid this auction is invalid, according to the auction rules the Taste The Freedom Steak is classified as a special mob drop, which means it can only be auctioned in stacks of 64.
  3. As deathconn stated, Taste the Freedom steaks are required, per auction rules, to be auctioned in stacks of 64. Since only 19 steaks are up for auction, this auction is invalid.

    You may reference the auction rules by going to emc.gs/t/42009.

    Should you have any questions regarding specific items in the auction rules, feel free to contact a staff member on here via PM.

    Closing thread.
    Damiensmom11 likes this.
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