[AUCTION] Beacon!!! Fresh From the Wither's Blood!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Brisingr34, Jan 19, 2013.

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  1. Bump at 14K!!
  2. i didnt see a bid increasement so people coul just add one each time
  3. 14.2K in the lead!!
  4. Please don't go up by one..... But 14001r in the lead
  5. Please dont bump this thread so much, i am scrolling through and i must have seen like 75% of the posts where bumps.
  6. I didn't bump this I only bump like every 12 hours and it automatically bumps when people bid. Finch is smp6's most awesome player so I will listen :D
  7. Like what you did with the title :p
  8. ?????
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Fresh from a withers blood...
  10. Ok I still don't get it.....can't make an ignoramus learn anything XD
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Ok, never mind.
  12. 14201r in the lead!
  13. 14.202r, I guess?

    Edit: I'll outbid myself. 14.500r! Derp.
  14. 333kirby Please do not increase bid by 1 rupee anymore look in auction details
  15. Nothing says I can't bid 1r.
  16. 14,501r is completely valid. And you cant stop me.
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