[Auction] Batty's Double Chest of Cobblestone!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by batmegh, Oct 18, 2012.

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  1. y did you call me a kid
  2. lol, just out of habit, are you older than 20? usually i can kind of tell by how someone types, (most) of the time, older people, 19, 18, or older actually type with the right grammar. younger ones, tend to think its "cool" to type like they've never had a single English class in their life, and don't know how to spell. lmao
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  3. anyway, a little over an hour and a half to go, fishyhiggs is in the lead for 4,000

  4. also, the double chest is set up at my UTOPIA res, its in front of my res spawn, i will make the chest accessible as soon as i get payment. :)
  5. when will you be on
  6. :) thank you. enjoy. auction is over.
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