[AUCTION] B-day cake, stuffing scooper, poppy, and avalauncher!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Stnywitness, Mar 11, 2018.

  1. 42k
    Stnywitness likes this.

  2. Question. Annual avalauncher or the 2014 one?
    Stnywitness likes this.
  3. Not sure. It just says, "Avaluncher" on the promo
    Big__Kev likes this.
  4. 52k
    Stnywitness likes this.
  5. Big,
    Push to the top
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. You've won! I will try and set up pickup as soon as I can. (could be a couple days) Pickup at/ v Stnywitness on smp2. There will be a tp saying auction pickup.
  7. He has paid and picked up. Auction is over. :)
  8. I have not yet picked up :p. the sign needs to be placed at the top of the chest :D
  9. Oh, lol :) .

    I will fix it as soon as I can (might be a while)
  10. Sign has not been fixed despite the fact that you were on 2 hours ago. Please fix :D paymeny has already been made.
  11. OOoooooooh boyy. So sorry. I totally forgot. I will stick a note on my computer! LOl. Sorry bout that. I think I'll be able to put up access tomorrow. So sorry!!
    586 likes this.
  12. Sorry bout that!! Access is set up properly.