[Auction] Assortment of Enchanted Diamond Items

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MisterCrafteh, Jan 6, 2013.

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  1. Bump. 14 hours until hxcami10 wins! anyone want to outbid him?
  2. No one does, I want them all!
  3. Hazzzzza in the lead with 9.5k. 18 hours until he wins.
  4. NEVER I WANT. 11k!
    nfell2009 likes this.
  5. HxCami10 in the lead with 11k! 19 hours until he wins! Oh, and thanks for FINALLY breaking the 500r outbid streak :)
  6. Bump. 12 hours until HxCami10 wins!
  7. Wow. I made that comment before all the comments loaded. Oops
    MisterCrafteh likes this.
  8. Colonial in the lead with 11.5k 15 hours until his bid wins !
  9. Colonial_Wolff still in the lead with 11.5k! 7 hours left until he wins!
  10. 30 minutes until colonial wolff wins :)
  11. So I win then?
  12. Yep :) after payment come to 9461 on smp4 to claim your enchanted items!
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