[ AUCTION ] A Pair of Marlix Leggings, An Iron Supporter Voucher, and an Avalauncher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MoldyFiletMignon, Feb 4, 2018.


Would you like to see more of these types of auctions?

Poll closed Feb 11, 2018.
Of course I would! 4 vote(s) 100.0%
No, I wouldn't. There's probably going to be loads. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. I decided to sell these items because, why not? The auction winner will be contacted two days after the last valid bid. Again, here's the items. Marlix Leggins x1, Iron Voucher x1, Avalauncher ( Annual ) x1
    q1zx likes this.
  2. Do not forget to add the auction minimum bid increase, minimum starting bid, and pickup place! ;)
  3. Oh, sorry. Minimum Starting Bid: 500r.
    Minimum Starting Bid: 5k
    Pickup: My smp4 residence.
  4. This is legit my first every auction that I made on the Forums.
    Big__Kev likes this.
  5. Welcome to the auction world :D

  6. you've got two starting bid prices :p.

    q1zx likes this.
  7. also, could you clarify the minimum increase?
    Is it 5k or 500r?
  8. 40000r