[Auction] 57 dc of Melon (Slices)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by antimattermatt, Aug 20, 2017.

  1. and the winner is Alaenia with a bid of 40.5k
  2. Payment received, Access signs Placed this auction is closed.
  3. I will pick up tomorrow after work.
  4. I picked up everything except for a few chests due to lack of access.
  5. aaaah sorry about that my fault i swapped the a and i i shall fix this now with 57 dc it is easy to make mistakes
  6. That's okay. ^.^ I knew you didn't do it on purpose. And its 57 DC's! There was bound to be two or even three that had spelling errors...

    I stumble with one or two DC's... can't imagine 57.