[AUCTION] 54 Level 30 Enchanted Diamond Swords

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by superdog93, Oct 26, 2012.

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  1. wassatthen is in the lead with a bid of 38k. :)
  2. wassatthen is in the lead with a bid of 41k. :)
  3. wassatthen is still in the led with a bid of 41k. The auction ends in 5 and a half hours if no more bids are placed! :)
  4. This auction is over, wassatthen is the winner. Once I am paid, you can pick up your winnings on smp 1 res #638.
  5. Your chest is set up.
  6. all paid up and collected. I vaulted them up and took them to my res on SMP5. Put them in a double crate and when I next went to the crate exactly half of them had disappeared. Lost all the sharpness 3 and the sharpness 4 as well as 21 other swords. Moderators tell me its a minecraft bug. Ouch.

    However this all happened after the auction, which can be closed.
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