[ AUCTION ] 5 Doublechests of Cobblestone

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by aCookieGod, Feb 13, 2013.

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  1. Ssparten winning with 4.5k :p
  2. what texture pack do you use cookie?
  3. Faithful 32x. Its the same textures as default but way more HD / Smooth and better text. ;)
  4. Not sure if I need all this cobble :D
  5. SLash winning with 9,200$ !
  6. 4 more hours until slash wins!
  7. Slash14459 Wins this auction with 9,200 rupees! Please pick up at SMP1 Residence 1952 for the 5 DC of cobble!
  8. Actually you have one more hour until it ends
  9. On my time its finished
  10. Time is the same, look at the time stamps and you'll realize there is another hour left. You said four hours left but only three have passed.
  11. The actual end time of this auction will be at 12:55am on the morning of February 15, 2013 (EST) So there is actually 2 hours and 50 minutes left.
    fluffinator09 likes this.
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