This is an Auction for 4 Vault Vouchers. ITEM: 4 Vault Vouchers STARTING BID: 2000 Rupees MINIMUM BID INCREMENT: 500 Rupees AUCTION ENDING TIME: 24 Hours after final bid with no further bids. Upon auction completion, and payment receipt, the double chest will be given an access sign on my res on SMP 7 Res#14469. Follow the signs once you arrive at my res to the pick-up location. Happy bidding and hope you have a great day.
PikminNate has won the auction with a bid of 35k rupees. Once payment is received I will setup the access chest so you can pick up your winnings. Any questions feel free to PM me.
Payment has been received and the Access chest has been setup. Let me know once you have picked up the items and I will submit to have this auction closed.