[Auction] 3x3: 3 x "Fortune III, Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV"

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Herbrin3, Jun 9, 2012.

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  1. I've got plenty of iron and gold; I'm sure we can work something out; PM/message me.


    "3 x "Fortune III, Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV"

    Best bid so far is 15000 (ie 5000 each)
  2. Grr at all you rich people... Cough alex cough.
  3. I'm having some problems connecting to the website, so apologies if there are any delays.

    At the moment, the winning bid is 15.5k from manglex, with about 12 hours remaining.
  4. Herbrin3 you are not allowed to *bump* your posts. You can only post if it is important information.
  5. Which of the above is "bumping"?
  6. I just read the rules and his "bumping" and it is bumping btw herbrin, Is within the guidelines.
  7. Isn't that important information?
    Manglex likes this.
  8. Green,

    Can you confirm what the current winning bid here is, please? Because it's got a bit confused, with a bid "withdrawn" and then another bid made and withdrawn because of that one.

  9. Herb..... Your prices are.... Steep...
  10. Wait. Am I in the lead again somehow?
  11. Sheesh.

    manglex bid 15k. Supverval bid more; another user bid more; but they "withdrew" their bids (even though you can't).

    manglex then bid 15500.

    I've asked for mod help, but no clear response yet.

    So - as far as I am concerned,

    Mangalex is winning the auction, right now, with a bid of 15,000

    It is hard to work out the timing, because other "withdrawn" bids have been deleted. So I suggest, just to be fair, we give it 12 hours from the time of this post.

    I hope that is reasonable.
  12. I didn't bid 15k.

    I bid 15.5k. So.. I'm winning with 15.5k
  13. If you insist :p

    Fine fine.

    Winning bid is currently 15500 from Mangalex. Let's give it 12 hours from my previous, due to the mix-ups; that's about 11 more hours.

    Mangalex, thanks for your immense patience, fairness and understanding.
  14. I have not bid and withdrawn
  15. Sorry! I didn't mean that; and it's hard to see who-did what, because posts have been removed. Really sorry if that came out wrong, Super.
  16. === Auction over ===

    Manglex wins, 15.5k.

    Please pay me, then I'll put the picks in a chest you can access, on SMP9. Alternatively, I could deliver them. Thanks.
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