[AUCTION] 3 Maxarian Heads, 1 Lucky Bow, 1 Omneoss

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Alukiann, Apr 8, 2018.

  1. Monday at 8:24 PM
    + 48 Hours
    = Wednesday as 8:24 PM
    LEARN TO MATHHHHHH JK You're fine, thanks for bidding!
    I can't get on right now but I'll send back all your rupees tonight if someone bids. ;)
    Star09 likes this.
  2. oh.. I actually cant math. I read that as 8:24 AM. if someone bids im going to cry
    RainbowPony likes this.
  3. Nevermind, it's exactly 8:24 PM now. Lol.
    RainbowPony likes this.