[Auction] 3 DC Bones

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by RandomZh, Nov 25, 2016.

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  1. Items: 3 DC Bones

    Starting Bid: 1000

    Minimum Bid Increments:

    Auction Ending Time:
    24 h after last valid bid.

    SMP1 /v 1728
  2. 1r per bone = 10368r bid.
  3. um did you bid
    Does that mean you bidded 10368? If not I say 3k
  4. KnightZerOne is the official winner. Pickup at /v 1728
    cubefragment you may for 12k buy another 3 DC bones at /v 1728
  5. ok will do tomorrow when I log on, Thanx
    and I misread the ending time of auction. :)
  6. Yes, that is what that meant :) I was also including the per item value of such a bid.

    I have just sent payment a moment ago, and will pick up shortly.

    Thanks for the Auction.

    Tempered Outpost Founder
  7. Payment made and bones picked up. Thank you again
  8. Bones have been picked up.

    Thanks for the Auction :)
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