AUCTION 20 Shulkers of SAND

Discussion in 'Auctions' started by Theravenite, Nov 29, 2024 at 10:45 AM.

  1. Item: 20 Shulkers of sand
    Starting bid: A single rupee
    Min bid increment: 500r
    Auction ends :24 hours after last valid bid
  2. Pickup is res 167 smp1
    the chest will be right when you tp to the res
  3. Let me start off with a low ball, 1,500r
  4. 3000
  5. 3000 and 1r >:p
    YourDerivation likes this.
  6. Unfortunatly I made it a 24 hour limit.... take this as a reminder never do 24 hours thats how you loose thousands Giantluca is the fair winer
    Bulkinc likes this.
  7. 10k to 50k unfortunate I will never do 24 hours again
  8. oh my god that is horrible to see