[Auction] 2 DC's of ender pearls ................zzZZ

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by brbear, Aug 30, 2013.


what should i auction off next?

Poll closed Sep 9, 2013.
sc of xp bottles!!! 8 vote(s) 36.4%
Dc of saddles!!!! 14 vote(s) 63.6%
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  1. Here we go to day with bump and the bump
  2. Morn bump
  3. Sorry, 3,050
  4. woops totally meant 4.5k
  5. You win =(
  6. Bump da bump diggy diggy
  7. Night bump
  8. Its OK I'll have more ender pearls soon for auction
  9. About 23 hours and 30 min. Left on this auction
  10. My next auction after this one is a DC of saddles
  11. Da paddle Wins the box will be set up soon after u pay at 1176 on smp1
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