[Auction]2,363 DC's of Items! (4,726 Shulkers)

Discussion in 'Auctions' started by ThatBoostedWRX, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. That's right.. theres over 2,300 DC's of items for auction! If my last auction wasn't big enough.. well here's an Auction double the size! There is over 75+ DC's of Shulkers!

    Items & Quantities:

    Pumpkins: 621 DC's (1,242 Shulkers)
    Plain Bamboo: 297 DC's (594 Shulkers)
    Bamboo Blocks: 324 DC's (648 Shulkers)
    Bamboo Planks: 81 DC's (162 Shulkers)
    Chests: 54 DC's (108 Shulkers)
    Sticks: 162 DC's (324 Shulkers)
    Carrots: 135 DC's (270 Shulkers)
    Potatoes: 135 DC's (270 Shulkers)
    Sea Pickles: 54 DC's (108 Shulkers)
    Melon Blocks: 162 DC's (324 Shulkers)
    Dried Kelp Blocks: 67.5 DC's (135 Shulkers)
    Bone Blocks: 14 DC's (28 Shulkers)
    Bonemeal: 81 DC's (162 Shulkers)
    Honeycomb (not blocks): 54 DC's (108 Shulkers)
    Honeybottles: 13.5 DC's (27 Shulkers)
    Paper: 81 DC's (162 Shulkers)
    Armidillo Scute: 9 DC's (18 Shulkers)
    Torchflower Seeds: 6 DC's (12 Shulkers)
    Pitcher Pod Seeds: 5.5 DC's (11 Shulkers)
    Basalt: 6.5 DC's (13 Shulkers)

    Shulkers: 4,726

    Starting bid: 1r
    Min Bid Raise: 1r

    Ending: 1 Week (7 days) after last valid bid

    Pickup will be at "/v 5746 Auction", pickup can be completed within 2-3 weeks, more time can be arranged to, however payment will be needed apon winning (or when you next can log on)

    Raaynn and naMrorriM like this.
  2. 15 ruppes
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  3. 18r... I really want this.. I needz for my base. The one out in the End..
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  4. We can do half half.

    20,001 Ruppes!
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  5. 22222 rupees
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  6. 100k :)
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  7. 100,001 ruppees
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  8. 200k :)
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.
  9. bump, going super cheap currently
  10. Bump, going insanely cheap still!
  11. bump only a few days lfeft
  12. 250k :)
    ThatBoostedWRX likes this.