[AUCTION] 1x Gold Supporter voucher & 1x Iron Supporter voucher.

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Big__Kev, Jan 1, 2018.

  1. Bumpy bump
  2. oh woops 175k
  3. All references to bonus items have been removed, as those are not allowed in auctions. All further bids are for the items listed in the OP only.
  4. Bumpy Bump, Still cheap for 2 vouchers
  5. Bump still cheap
  6. I believe I won
  7. That you have . I will mail you he vouchers within the next few hours
  8. Few hours after payment I should have said:D
  9. Hey mate. It's been almost 2 days since this auction ended. Please make Payment or advise when payment will be made? If it is not made by the 48 hour dead line or you do not tell me what's happening I will not be continuing with the deal.
    RampageX10 likes this.
  10. I Was Busy With other events.