[AUCTION] 10 DCs of Sugarcane

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Cchiarell6914, Mar 13, 2017.

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  1. 5420r
  2. Ex ... give up

    5,401 r
  3. Invald bid. Try again :)
  4. xD my bad, forgot the 2 in 5,421 r


    5,421 r
    FadedMartian likes this.
  5. 5666
  6. 5699r
  7. 5890
  8. Ex, this will go on forever, how about I, or you pay Mr. FadedMartian, and we split the 10 DCs into 5 each... I'll raise the price to 6k, and and you pay 3k, and I pay 3k. ... deal?
    FadedMartian likes this.
  9. or one of you can take these 10dcs and i can thevlther another 1dcs
  10. Sure lol if u have 20 ill give u 6k for 10 and Ill let id win this auc
    FadedMartian likes this.
  11. I'm up for that...
  12. alright. so i have talked with ex and so i have 10dcs put on hold for him...so as long as you win this auction you will get these 10 dcs
  13. aight.
    FadedMartian2 likes this.
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