[AUCTION] 10 DCs of Cactus

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Kaddrii, Dec 17, 2018.


Am I weird?

Poll closed Dec 24, 2018.
Duh 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Ya but thats okay 1 vote(s) 20.0%
Yea, I think its cute ;) 2 vote(s) 40.0%
No wut r u sayin 0 vote(s) 0.0%
i dont know u 0 vote(s) 0.0%
It's cool to be weird, I am 2 1 vote(s) 20.0%
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  1. (Sorry that this was so late)
    I believe you've won. I'll set up access chests at /v +Foxy on smp2 at the aution pickup teleport once payment is received :)
  2. Another reply to you, you won the auction :p
    Once payment is received, I'll set up access signs.
  3. Paid ya a while back I believe,
  4. Sorry, my eyes must have passed over it but I've found it (behind all my book purchases from the Harry Potter event :p)
    I'll set up chests at /v +Foxy cactus on smp2. Sorry for taking so long!
  5. Salright, no need to worry, I'll be sure to pick them up asap
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
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