[Auction] 10 DC of GLASS [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Corey4028, Feb 7, 2014.


What should i auction next?

Poll closed Feb 22, 2014.
more glass 2 vote(s) 15.4%
more sand 4 vote(s) 30.8%
more sandstone 6 vote(s) 46.2%
enderpearls 1 vote(s) 7.7%
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  1. FINAL bump
  2. 5 hours left
  3. I have to pull out, I don't have the funds needed :/
  4. Ok ..JCplugs wins with a bid of 50k
  5. Jcplugs is not obliged to complete this auction as she was outbid and may no longer have the funds.
    If Jcplugs doesn't want it, you may offer it to the next highest bidder or relist the auction.

    Henpenben will receive a warning for pulling out his winning bid. Too many warnings and they will lose access to auction forums.

    Closing thread.
    Jcplugs and jkjkjk182 like this.
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