[Auction] 1 Stack Notch Apples

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by xSkitzie, Jan 1, 2017.

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  1. Morning everyone! This is a bump and I am getting snow in Texas!
  2. Snowy Snowy its the end of the world in a small town in Texas lol. Afternoon Bump :D Thanks for all the bids!
  3. Auction will end tomorrow at 3:05 p.m. Bid to beat is 92k! This is an official Bump :D
  4. Bump, if just FYI I lost a friend today so I won't be on for a few days, if you win the auction bear with me I will get the access setup asap! Auction will end Thursday at 5:18 am :)
  5. I'm sorry to hear the xSkitzie
  6. Congrats MrCDub you won! I will setup access on res 12308 smp6. Thank you all for bidding!
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