[Auction] 1 Million+ Wheat

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Tylerfer, Nov 3, 2016.

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  1. Auction: 1 Million wheat (1,026,432 wheat)
    Starting bid: 5k
    Minimum bid increment: 2k
    Auction ending time: 72 hours after last valid bid
    Pickup: /v 5445 auction (utopia)

    I have crafted all the wheat into bales for your convenience :)
    Sinister2, Will_McNab and no_thing like this.

  2. ...Ok I do :p

  3. 52k
    ImUlti likes this.
  4. 60k
    ImUlti likes this.
  5. 62k
    ImUlti likes this.
  6. 69k
    ImUlti likes this.
  7. 120k?
    ImUlti likes this.
  8. I take it I have won
  9. ImUlti has been having issues getting onto forums due to a laptop restrictions, and can only get on in game currently, so if you do not catch him in game, I will let him know that you were the winner of his wheat auction and to set up the access signs for the chests.
    Sinister2 likes this.
  10. Nvm, looks like you already got to him about it when he was on a little bit ago. Glad ya'll got to it!
    Sinister2 and Will_McNab like this.
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